Sour Cream Tacos

Sour Cream Tacos

Does your kid have a favorite food?  You know, that dish that he loves more than anyone else in the family does?  That dish you always know he’ll devour?  Dragon loved a lot of different things, but there are a few dishes I haven’t been able to...
All we get

All we get

We are on track for Hannah to graduate 8th grade this coming June.  As I sat in the committee meeting this morning with the other parents who have volunteered to help organize the graduation ceremony, I thought to myself that Dragon’s 8th grade graduation was the...
The Kite

The Kite

Once upon a time, when the kids were just toddlers, Daniel bought them each a kite.  We were in Maui, and a day presented itself as perfect weather for flying kites.  We set ourselves up on a wide expanse of beach.  Daniel unfurled a kite, we lifted it...
Force and Friction

Force and Friction

Last summer, I signed Dragon up for an evening physics class.  Physics had been the bane of my existence in high school.  My teacher was a Chinese woman who had come here recently, incredibly smart but didn’t yet speak English very well.  I would have...
Great Guy

Great Guy

dear dragon and his family, dragon was truly a one of a kind person.  i remember one day we were in our block 1 class and he just stormed inside and then he realized he was in the wrong class.  he ran out the door and our class burst into laughter. ...
You’ve Got a Friend in Me

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Many of our warmest moments recently have been spent getting to know better Dragon’s friends and hearing about their time with Dragon. These teenagers have had to deal with losing someone their same age at an early time in their lives, and in a sudden, shocking...