Extra Hard

Extra Hard

Today is the last day of school.  Dragon missed the entire year.  Dragon missed a whole year of learning, of experiences, of frustrations and having fun.  He missed Spanish 2 and Physics and the annual Dodgeball tournament and getting his driver’s...
Ice Cream

Ice Cream

There was a day about this time last year where I was cleaning out my pantry.  I found an old ice cream maker that we had bought when the kids were just babies, that I had put away and forgot all about.  Inspired, I bought a basket of strawberries and some...
Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Hannah and I were taking a walk the other day, and the conversation drifted to a thought prompted by a book she’s reading.  “Moving forward,” Hannah said to me, “is different from moving on.” “Oh yeah?  How so?” I asked, curious. “What do those terms mean to...
Three Questions

Three Questions

I was walking on the trail this morning and ran into our friend, Dan, who was at the concert.  “It’s really great,” he said, “what you and Daniel are doing with the Foundation.” What he doesn’t realize, and what I’m...
The Neverness

The Neverness

I’ve become friendly with other mothers that have lost a child.  It’s a terrible club to which none of us want to belong.  They are moms like me, they are my age, they live nearby. Knowing them and talking with them make me feel less isolated,...
Even One Day

Even One Day

This is how grief is for me. I have this book of quotes, and every now and then, when I pass it by, I open it to a random page to read the quote.  The first quote I got today was this: When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at...