Three Questions

Three Questions

I was walking on the trail this morning and ran into our friend, Dan, who was at the concert.  “It’s really great,” he said, “what you and Daniel are doing with the Foundation.” What he doesn’t realize, and what I’m...
The Neverness

The Neverness

I’ve become friendly with other mothers that have lost a child.  It’s a terrible club to which none of us want to belong.  They are moms like me, they are my age, they live nearby. Knowing them and talking with them make me feel less isolated,...
Even One Day

Even One Day

This is how grief is for me. I have this book of quotes, and every now and then, when I pass it by, I open it to a random page to read the quote.  The first quote I got today was this: When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at...
Happy Birthday, Hannah

Happy Birthday, Hannah

I am convinced that the world is divided into two types of people: those that like to celebrate their birthday and those that do not. Daniel?  When he turned 50, which is a big birthday, he didn’t even want me to remind any of our friends, much less have any type...
It All Starts With a Dream

It All Starts With a Dream

I’m just going to say it, last Saturday was magical. We started planning this concert just over three months ago.  We had an idea of what we wanted to see, we had family and friends who promised to help, and we had a dream.  The dream was originally...